Monday, October 1, 2007

The Football game

While I studied on Sunday, my husband watched the boys and football. This morning there was a rousing football game happening at the house before breakfast. A little tattered yellow foam ball with chunks missing was the football and they wore socks on their hands to help with diving touchdowns and tackles. Normally they wear one of papa's baseball caps on backward as helmets. I lectured them on the fact that this was only to be played at home with people who know they are playing. Do not play anywhere else I sternly said trying to keep a straight face. "Okay" they said. "Throw the ball Bodhi, throw the ball!" He threw it then they ran and tackled it and slid together laughing hysterically. All I can say is Aye yi yi! I smell trouble.
Too see clips of the game, see links on right side of page.

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