Monday, October 22, 2007

Playdough Playdate

Friday, Porter had a play date with a girl from his preschool class that he can't stop talking about. Ivy. He insisted on dressing himself in his nicest button up shirt. Ivy walked inside and he ran up and gave her a full body bear hug. She announced that she was "looking pretty for him." He just laughed, not getting it.
He giggled and wanted to show her everything in his house. I bought tons of playdough and playdough toys because they both like playdough a lot. Then we carved a pumpkin. Ivy modeled good eating by asking to eat oranges and strawberries. Porter was coming off two weeks of being sick and hadn't been eating. He started eating because Ivy was! It was great. Bodhi just observed his brother acting a little goofy and had a knowing smile...

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